Resources for Crusty Old Sysadmins


- Export and Mount NFS Shares

Network Crap
- Use a Raspberry Pi as a WiFi Router

- Basic SGI hardware info
- Installing Photoshop 3.0.1
- Installing Illustrator

Classic Macintosh Crap
- Mac Plus SCSI and using a BlueSCSI
- Mac IIci repair notes

Sun/Solaris Crap
- SunPCi cards

NeXT Crap
- Basic hardware info

Abandonware Resources

Why this site?
Because, when using vintage hardware, with vintage OSs, with vintage browsers, the entire Internet is basically unusable. This site is intended to be a repository for info concerning vintage systems, and it only seemed appropriate to make it accessible by vintage systems.

This site is boring. Where's the animation, sound, video?
This is an informational repository for people that want to (re)learn how to do things. This is not for entertainment purposes. This site also meant to be accessible by systems that may only understand HTML3 or HTML4, with no javascript or vbscript.

Can I suggest content?
Sure. Send an email to <redacted>

How often do you add new content?
Probably not as often as most would like. When I find myself having to look something up to trigger a memory, I'll try to add that info here.

© 2022 Kurt Huhn